Comprehensive Fire Risk Assessment for Network Rail

Riskas Fire and Security are a reputable fire and security company who provide fire protection services of the highest quality to businesses of all sizes primarily across the North West region.

In order to enable their clients to understand what they require, to fulfil their fire safety obligations, Riskas engages our services to provide an independent and comprehensive fire safety audit, with an action plan. Riskas will then assist their clients to work through the actions raised, by providing the necessary installation, service and maintenance required, to ensure compliance with their fire safety obligations.


Premises: A Network Rail test site

Location: Rural site in Leicestershire

Size: The whole of the site was assessed which included 9 separate work cabins and a Test bed

Unique Challenge: Unusual layout with several separate work areas not all linked, therefore it had to be identified what the fire strategy would be individually and collectively.

Challenges and Objectives

A fire risk assessment looks at all aspects of fire safety in a premises, which includes the fire safety equipment alongside the fire safety management.

Due to the layout of the site, there were a number of challenges identifying how each of the individual work areas were linked and what their fire strategy would be in the event of a fire, as one area may or may not impact on the other. Once this is established this would then have an influence on the type of fire safety equipment that would be required.

The overall objectives for all our fire risk assessments, is to provide a comprehensive report, that details clearly the areas that the Responsible person (RP) needs to address in or to meet their obligations. These actions are provided in a clear action plan, with colour coded timescales, enabling the RP to quickly identify those areas of highest concern. All actions raised also give detailed information about the issues and why they need to be remedied, as well as recommendations of how this can be achieved.

Assessment Process

Our certified fire safety expert conducted a detailed inspection of the building’s fire safety processes, which includes logbooks, training and policies, as well as the systems, including alarms, extinguishers, and escape routes. We also identified potential fire hazards like the electrical system and communal areas.

Solutions and Implementations

After establishing what the individual units should do in the event of a fire, it could then be identified if this was acceptable and if the current alarm system was sufficient to meet these strategies.

An upgrade to the current alarm was recommended ensuring all occupants would be able to hear it, particularly in the meeting rooms furthest away, as it was identified that this wouldn’t be the case under certain scenarios. The electrical system had outstanding issues that required addressing. It was also identified that there were several different entities utilising the site and there was a lack of clarity of their individual responsibilities, that required agreeing and documenting.

Results and Impact

Post-implementation, once the action plan had been completed it would mean that both the risk of fire occurring as well as the likelihood of harm to occupants would be reduced, ultimately improving the fire safety standards of the premises. The new systems and procedures would ensure compliance with the latest fire safety regulations.

Subsequently there was an audit at the site and the auditor said the Fire Risk Assessment produced was the best they had seen!

Conclusion & Next Steps

We recognise that fire safety can be complex and challenging.

Our report has been developed to provide as much information as possible to help the RP understand both what is required, as well as why, so they have a full understanding of the issues raised. Our assessors will also, where possible, provide alternative solutions if a standard action isn’t practical or possible.

The action plan is also designed to help the RP implement the requirements in the most effective way, guiding them to those actions that require addressing first.

We’ve been carrying out fire risk assessments for over 12 years and have a wealth of experience in a variety of different premises types, so we will understand your requirements. If you are not sure how a fire risk assessment works or will meet your needs, please contact us to discuss.

“Just to let you know we had a meeting yesterday about Network Rail Site. They had an audit and the auditor said the Fire Risk Assessment you produced was the best they have seen! I wanted to pass the positive feedback on, so thank you!”

Building Manager

Riskas Fire & Security

Our comprehensive approach to fire risk assessments ensures that buildings meet and exceed fire safety standards.

If you’re looking for expert fire risk assessment services, contact today on 0808 252 4702. Or get an instant online quote now.

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