Do You Know if You Need a PEEP or GEEP?

5 June 2023

If you have employees, residents, customers or visitors to your premises, do you know if you require a PEEP (Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan) or GEEP (General Emergency Evacuation Plan)?

Most people are aware that individuals might require assistance to evacuate, however many aren’t sure whether it’s a PEEP or a GEEP that they need.

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Here is everything you need to know about GEEPs and PEEPs.

The importance of GEEPs and PEEPs in fire safety

Having GEEPs and PEEPs in place is more than just good practice – it’s a legal requirement!

The Equality Act 2010 ensures that everyone, including those with disabilities or impairments, has equal access to safety – especially in emergency scenarios.

A GEEP (General Emergency Evacuation Plan) makes sure public spaces and workplaces are ready to evacuate everyone safely. Meanwhile, a PEEP (Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan) is tailored for individuals who might need extra help.

Without these plans, building managers and employers could face fines or legal action – not to mention putting precious lives at risk!

What is a GEEP?

A GEEP is a General Emergency Evacuation Plan. This type of plan is required in buildings used by the general public or places of work with transient workers.

If premises are accessible to people who may require assistance with exiting a building in the case of an emergency, the Responsible Person needs to ensure that a GEEP is in place.

A GEEP should include details of:

  • The building’s layout
  • Evacuation procedures
  • Equipment and communication devices to be used in an emergency

In public buildings, a GEEP must be available to all visitors and there should be regular drills to ensure that all staff are aware of the procedure.

Why do I need a GEEP?

If you’re a building owner, manager or occupier in the UK, it’s important to have a General Emergency Evacuation Plan (GEEP) in place to comply with UK laws and regulations.

The Equality Act 2010 requires building owners and managers to make reasonable adjustments to ensure that people with disabilities or impairments are not put at a disadvantage compared to others.

A GEEP is an essential part of this, as it outlines the procedures and processes that need to be followed to ensure the safe and timely evacuation of all occupants from a building in the event of an emergency. By having a GEEP in place, building owners and managers can ensure that they are meeting their legal obligations and keeping everyone safe in the event of an emergency.

What should a GEEP include?

A General Emergency Evacuation Plan (GEEP) is essential for any building in the UK that is open to the general public or has a transient workforce.

Because these environments cannot account for specific individuals, the plan must be flexible enough to accommodate a variety of different abilities and needs.

A GEEP should include the following:

  • Emergency Exits and Routes: The plan should clearly indicate the location of emergency exits and routes, as well as the means of escape and any escape aids, such as evacuation chairs.
  • Evacuation Procedures: The plan should outline the procedures that need to be followed during an evacuation, including the roles and responsibilities of staff members, as well as the procedures for raising the alarm and contacting the emergency services.
  • Communication: The plan should include procedures for communicating with building occupants during an emergency, such as the use of a public address system or designated meeting points.
  • Evacuation Equipment: The plan should detail any evacuation equipment that is available in the building, such as evacuation chairs or sleds.
  • Disabled Evacuation Procedures: The plan should cover a range of scenarios to ensure the safe evacuation of individuals with disabilities or impairments. This may include the use of specialised equipment and the involvement of trained staff members to assist during an emergency.
  • Training: The plan should outline the training requirements for staff members, including regular drills and training sessions to ensure that everyone is familiar with the procedures and processes.

By including these elements in a GEEP, building owners and managers can ensure that they are prepared for any emergency and are able to keep their occupants safe.

What is a PEEP?

A PEEP is a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan. If you have an employee, resident or regular visitor in your premises who requires assistance to evacuate in an emergency, you should consider a PEEP.

A PEEP is a bespoke escape plan to secure the safety of a specific individual, in the event of an emergency evacuation. Drawing up the plan with the individual, means that you can agree on a method of evacuation and tailor the plan to their personal needs.

Why do I need a PEEP?

A PEEP can be either permanent or temporary depending on the needs of the individual. A permanent PEEP is required for anyone who has:

  • Mobility impairments
  • Sight impairments
  • Hearing impairments
  • Cognitive impairments

And any other circumstances where assistance is required

A temporary PEEP may be required for anyone:

  • with short-term injuries
  • with temporary medical condition
  • in the later stages of pregnancy

Not everyone with a disability or impairment requires a PEEP. If an individual can exit a building unaided safely and within an acceptable period of time, they may not require a PEEP.

Communication is key! Speak to the person about their individual needs and agree on a plan of action together.

What should a PEEP include?

The PEEP will detail the escape routes and identify the people who will assist in carrying out the evacuation and training. The plan should be regularly tested during evacuation drills to ensure all staff are aware of the procedures and are capable of using any evacuation equipment. A copy of the PEEP should be given to everyone involved and a central copy held.

Do you have an impact on your visitor’s ability to evacuate?

In addition to having a GEEP in place, if you’re a medical practice, dental practice or opticians, some of your clients could be under mild sedation or have impaired vision. This could make them disorientated and require assistance to evacuate the building.

Even though this could only be for a short time, there should be a plan in place to ensure someone takes charge and assists people in evacuating.

Examples of GEEP and PEEP Scenarios

Understanding when to use a GEEP or PEEP is really important!

GEEP example: A shopping centre needs to have a GEEP in place for all visitors, ensuring that evacuation routes, alarms, and staff training are ready for any emergency.

PEEP example: An office worker using a wheelchair needs a PEEP to identify accessible exits, find assistance, and detail the use of equipment like evacuation chairs.

Temporary PEEP example: A teacher recovering from a leg injury might need a temporary PEEP to make sure they can evacuate safely while using crutches.

Whether it’s a busy public space or a private office, GEEPs and PEEPs make sure that everyone is accounted for when it matters most.

FAQs about GEEPs and PEEPs

Who is responsible for creating and maintaining GEEPs and PEEPs?

Building owners and managers are responsible for creating and maintaining GEEPs, while employers and service providers are responsible for creating and maintaining PEEPs for their employees, visitors, and customers.

How often should GEEPs and PEEPs be reviewed and updated?

GEEPs and PEEPs should be reviewed and updated regularly, especially if there are any changes to the building layout, equipment, or the needs of the occupants. It is recommended to review and update them at least once a year.

What is the difference between a GEEP and a PEEP?

A GEEP is a general emergency evacuation plan that covers the evacuation procedures for the entire building, while a PEEP is a personalised plan that outlines the specific steps and arrangements that need to be made to enable a person with disabilities or impairments to evacuate a building safely in the event of an emergency.

What are the consequences of not having a GEEP or a PEEP in place?

Failure to have a GEEP or a PEEP in place can result in serious consequences, including fines, legal action, and most importantly, endangering the safety of building occupants, especially those with disabilities or impairments.

It is important to ensure that both plans are in place and regularly reviewed and updated to ensure the safety of everyone in the building.

Protect lives with GEEPs, PEEPs, and

Whether you need a general plan for your building or a personalised plan for someone who needs extra assistance, having these systems in place protects lives and helps keep you compliant with fire safety regulations.

At, we can help identify whether a GEEP is necessary and review any existing evacuation plans you have in place.

While we don’t create GEEPs or PEEPs, we can assess your current provisions to ensure they meet fire safety requirements.

Get in touch for expert advice and get a free tailored quote from us today!

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