Raising the Alarm can be a daunting moment. You don’t want to make a fuss and be wrong. However can you afford to delay?
How do you know?![]()
We provide basic online Fire Safety awareness training for anyone who had a Fire risk assessment carried out by ourselves. In this training we cover when to raise the alarm. What to look for and how to react. The more knowledge you have, will hopefully give you the confidence to act quickly and correctly.
False Alarms
With recent news stories about the rise in false alarm calls to the emergency services, would this make you wary about making that call? Would a delay or hesitation lead to more damage or a higher chance of injury? We never know how we would deal with a situation until it happens. Regular training however, can help us to keep calm and level headed, when faced with an emergency. Which is why regular refreshment training is required at least once a year.
What do the Fire service say?
Andy Cole, the Area Manager of Dorset & Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service – “if someone believes there is a fire or another issue, requiring our immediate assistance, they should always call 999 – we would rather attend a false alarm than not attend a genuine emergency”
Find out more about what our training covers by contacting us on 0808 2524702 or contact us.