In the UK, Fire Risk Assessments are a legal requirement for anyone who manages or owns a property or business, regardless of the number of employees, as per the Fire...
Help and Advice
A Landlords Guide to Fire Risk Assessments in the UK
Many property managers and landlords in the UK are required to conduct fire risk assessments to ensure that their occupants are safe and that their property meets the...
Fire Risk Assessments: Everything You Need to Know
Minimising fire risks is an important part of managing properties and ensuring the safety of those who use them. Fire risk assessments play a critical role in...
Hot Work Processes
What is Hot Works? Hot Work is an activity that involves the application or generation of heat during its implementation. Such activities include cutting, welding,...
Why Do Hotels Require Fire Risk Assessments?
As a hotel owner/manager, one of your many responsibilities is to provide a safe experience for your guests and a safe working environment for your staff, including...
Trade Associations survey highlights fire extinguisher trends
Fire extinguishers play a huge role in stopping small fires from turning into serious and expensive disasters. Surveys have revealed important trends in how fire...
Fire Evacuation or Stay Put? Know the Difference
Evacuation or Stay Put? - Why it's important to know the difference What you do in the event of a fire occurring in the premises you occupy is really important. In the...
Why do we ask about oxygen?
We check every report that our assessors write for two reasons: To ensure that it is grammatically correct, consistent and clear to the reader Validation by a qualified...
Fire Safety at Christmas
Stay safe this Christmas It's that time of the year when many of us are putting up our Christmas decorations (if you haven't already!), but how much do you consider...
Fire Safety for Students
Fire Safety for Students Student Fire Safety Week finished last week, but awareness of potential hazards still needs to be communicated to students. Many students are...
Communal Areas
We receive many enquiries for advice around communal areas. To the surprise of many, it is a legal requirement to have a fire risk assessment in place for communal...
House of Multiple Occupancy (HMOs)
Whether it’s back to university or simply sharing a house, landlords have the responsibility by law of providing their tenants with a fire-safe environment. It's all...